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Información del Libro 'Grinder John - Trance - Formations Pnl And The Structure Of Hypnosis Pdf'

Grinder John - Trance - Formations Pnl And The Structure Of Hypnosis Pdf

Enviado por bibliotheka el 2012-09-13 00:00:00

What is a trance state? How do you access a previous trance state? What is pattern interruption? Stacked realities? Generative change? Reframing? And how in the world do you use all this stuff to do anything productive? Better yet, how do you keep from using all this stuff to be unproductive? Well, this will give a you a taste of what lies in store for you in this book. It`s the best book to learn about real hypnosis, the structure of hypnosis. There are many books that can teach you to hypnotize people, but few that can teach you to break through the consensual trance that you are already in. This book can get you on the road to doing that. `Hypnosis is a word that usually gets strong responses from people` positive or negative. Often, people associate trance states with mysticism or magic, which has not helped the reputation of hypnosis. We encourage skeptics to suspend their beliefs or assumptions about hypnosis long enough to read this book. NLP cofounders Bandler and Grinder studied the famous therapist Milton Erickson to determine the structure of hypnosis. This book turns the `magic` into specific understandable procedures, some of which are useful in everyday conversation. In addition to the hows of hypnosis (basic and advanced), the authors describe numerous important uses for this science. A great introduction to the subject and an important reference book for hypnosis practitioner

Género: Psicología,General
Tamaño: 1.244 Kb
Tiene audiolibro: NO
Presentación: Libro
Calidad: Sin OCR
Idioma original: Sin clasificar
Idioma del texto: Castellano
Clasificado: Sin clasificar

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