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Información del Libro 'Libro 101 Best Ways to Land a Job in Troubled Times de Block Jay A'

Libro 101 Best Ways to Land a Job in Troubled Times de Block Jay A

Enviado por QuedeLibros el 2013-03-03 00:00:00

Resena: In 101 Best Ways to Land a Job in Troubled Times, Jay Block helps you approach your job transition strategically—not as a one-time search, but as a campaign of discovery through which you’ll achieve your career objectives. Follow his easy five-step process to:
Manage fear and negative emotions that impede success
Carefully define clear job and career goals
Create effective and high-impact self- marketing tools that make job seekers STAND OUT professionally
Develop strategic, structured action plans that will become the job seeker’s GPS to their next job
Take action and “enjoy the process” of landing a job in troubled times quickly and effectively
Block’s proven method is the only way to truly seize control of your future, land the job you want, and earn the pay you deserve.

Idioma: INGLÉS
Categoría: Varios,

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