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Libro The destruction of Poland (.pdf) de Toynbee Arnold J

Enviado por QuedeLibros el 2012-09-13 00:00:00

Resena: " The terrors of war, visited upon the innocent, peaceful population of Poland, have been augmented by famine, pestilence and death. Onethird of a generation, the youngest, has practically ceased to exist ; the remaining youth, old men, and women are now upon the threshold of actual extinction by starvation, disease and exposure."

Telegram of January 9th, 1916, from the Poles in America to Mr. Asquith.

The quotation on the title page of this pamphlet is taken from an appeal by the American Poles to the British Government. The American Voles drew attention to the terrible destitution which has descended upon the provinces of liussian Poland occupied by Germany, and urged a relaxation of the British Blockade on this unhappy population's behalf. The British Government replied by showing that the sufferings of Poland were not due to the general effect of the Blockade, but to the specific and deliberate policy of the German and Austro-Hungarian Governments in draining the resources of the conquered territory into their own store-chambers. If the two Governments will give satisfactory guarantees that this spoliation shall cease, the British Government %vill gladly allow supplies for the relief of the Poles to be imported into Poland from the United States.
But it would merely be assisting Germany without benefiting the Poles if these same supplies icere admitted into Poland under the system of German organisation which is set out in the following pages. A body of unimpeachable evidence is here presented, which reveals how subtle and how sini.Her this organi.sation has been. The German vampire is draining the life-blood of its Polish victim into its own exhausted veins.

Idioma: INGLES
Categoría: Sociales,

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