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Información del Libro 'Libro The Education Of A Poker Player de Yardley Herbert O '

Libro The Education Of A Poker Player de Yardley Herbert O

Enviado por QuedeLibros el 2012-09-13 00:00:00

Resena: I have consistently won at poker all my life - in my home town, in Indianapolis, Washington, New York, Hollywood, London, Paris, Cairo, Rome, Hong Kong, Chungking, and on boats and trains and airplanes. And I ve never lost at over three consecutive sittings.
Why? Because my method of play for each game is based on the scientific study of thousands of individual poker hands in each of all the various methods of play. I do not believe in luck - only in the immutable law of averages.
I was fascinated with the first game of poker I ever saw. It was being played in the rear of one of the seven saloons in a little Indiana frontier town where I was born in 1889. I was just sixteen - high-school class president, editor of the school paper, captain of the football team, and a fair student with a definite flair for mathematics.

Idioma: INGLES
Categoría: Varios, Varios

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