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Información del Libro 'Mental Traps: The Overthinker s Guide to a Happier Life de de Kukla Andre'

Mental Traps: The Overthinker s Guide to a Happier Life de de Kukla Andre

Enviado por ninecarceller el 2013-07-24 00:09:28

Idioma: INGLÉS Acerca de Mental Traps: The Overthinker s Guide to a Happier Life Ever find yourself putting off even relatively minor tasks because of the many other little jobs that you’d have to tackle first? Or spending far too much time worrying about things you can’t change? Or living for the future, not for today? Truth is, we all do — and we all recognize that sometimes our ways of thinking just aren’t productive. When it comes to our daily lives, we often laugh off habits like procrastination as being human nature and just resolve to approach things differently next time. Or, when the issues facing us are enormous or traumatic, we might recognize that we’re dwelling on our problems, or otherwise spending our time on fruitless thinking, but have no idea how to get out of that miserable rut. Either way, it takes up a lot of our mental energy.

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