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Información del Libro 'The Pegasus Secret (ENG) de Loomis Gregg'

The Pegasus Secret (ENG) de Loomis Gregg

Enviado por ninecarceller el 2016-02-19 12:50:21

Idioma: INGLÉS

Sinopsis de The Pegasus Secret (ENG)
Loomis apparantly worked on his manuscript for a couple years at least, which should prove there is no intentional copying or mimicking here. Although the plot is similiar to Brown's Pegasus is not the first thriller to run into similiar plots, in fact Da Vinci for all its controversy is hardly the first novel to raise questions concerning church dogma. Now that I have laid to rest my defense for the plot I will focus on Loomis's excellent characterization and pacing. This is an extremely readable novel, written at a compelling fever pitch where the pages are soaked with characterization and action. Loomis flips from third person narration to first seamlessly. It has fascinating historical details which although fictional are interesting enough in that there is evident factual research at play in the story. This novel is not extremely long and depending on readers' commitment to Loomis's storytelling can be read in a matter of days but hopefully kept on the shelf to be re-read, in fact after just finishing it I almost want to reread it immediately I enjoyed it that much.

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