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Información del Libro 'What Computers Stil Can't Do: A Critique Of Artificial Reason - Hubert L. Dreyfus'

What Computers Stil Can't Do: A Critique Of Artificial Reason - Hubert L. Dreyfus

Enviado por natttt el 2013-02-19 09:02:18

Original Title: What computers stil can't do: A critique of artificial reason 
Author: Hubert L. Dreyfus
Publisher: The MIT Press
Language: English
Date of publication: 1993
ISBN: 0-262-04134-0
Reference: 539
Download format: PDF
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When it was first published in 1972, Hubert Dreyfus's manifesto on the inherent inability of disembodied machines to mimic higher mental functions caused an uproar in the artificial intelligence community. The world has changed since then. Today it is clear that "good old-fashioned Al," based on the idea of using symbolic representations to produce general intelligence, is in decline (although several believers still pursue its pot of gold), and the focus of the Al community has shifted to more complex models of the mind. It has also become more common for Al researchers to seek out and study philosophy. For this edition of his now classic book, Dreyfus has added a lengthy new introduction outlining these changes and assessing the paradigms of connectionism and neural networks that have transformed the field. At a time when researchers were proposing grand plans for general problem solvers and automatic translation machines, Dreyfus predicted that they woul...

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